Recent Articles

2024 BSMG Summer Contest
Event 2024 BSMG Summer Contest

August 8, 2024

Introducing the first ever BSMG Summer Contest. 2024's theme is "Beach Day/Summer Nights"! Submit your best standard map, visual experience map, gameplay experience map, or models!

Where Are My Bookmarks?
Guide Where Are My Bookmarks?

June 15, 2024

With the re-write of the BeastSaber site complete, bookmarks at BSaber have become a thing of the past. Learn how to recover your legacy bookmarks and how to import them to BeatSaver!

We're Looking For Authors!
Announcement We're Looking For Authors!

June 10, 2024

The BeastSaber Team is looking for additional Authors to write articles for the BeastSaber site! Recruitment is on-going!

Uncovering Hidden Features of BeatSaver
Guide Uncovering Hidden Features of BeatSaver

June 1, 2024

Not all BeatSaver features are apparent at first sight. This article reveals hidden aspects of the BeatSaver platform such as tag filtering, multi-tag selection, multi-adding to bookmarks, direct map search via keys, double upload prevention, review curations, and displaying bot maps.

Quest Voting Is Now Available!
News Quest Voting Is Now Available!

May 18, 2024

We already know you've always wanted to submit upvotes and downvotes on Quest - well now you can! Check out this article to learn more!

Diamonds in the Rough
Event Diamonds in the Rough

May 17, 2024

DITR allows new mappers to pair up with an experienced mapper to learn how to make a high-quality beginner map!

Intro to Community Events
Guide Intro to Community Events

May 2, 2024

Learn about how the Community Events are displayed at BeastSaber and how you can get your well-structured events added!

Comfy Sabers
Event Comfy Sabers

April 24, 2024

Comfy Sabers Season 3 is here! This tournament is available to players ranked lower than 2000 on ScoreSaber. Event ends June 16, 2024.

So you want to be a Verified Mapper?
Guide So you want to be a Verified Mapper?

February 18, 2024

Learn how to become a Verified Mapper on BeatSaver with this guide!

The Beasties - 2023 Winners
News The Beasties - 2023 Winners

February 17, 2024

Your winners for the 2023 BeastSaber Mapping Awards announced!

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